Cai Guo Qiang
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 16:
The Earth Has Its Black Hole, Too,
Event at Hiroshima Central Park
with gunpowder fuse, gunpowder, and¦helium gas balloons;
109.4 x 109.4 yards (100 x 100 m);
duration of explosion 30 seconds
Photograph by Oshima Kunio
Cai Guo Qiang was born in Quanzhou City, Fujian, China.
He studied at the Fine Arts Department of the Shanghai Theatrical University from 1981-85 and moved to Japan in 1986.
His work was featured in "TransCulture," an exhibition held on the occasion of the 1995 Venice Biennale, for which he was awarded the Benesse Corporation Prize. In 1994, the Setagaya Museum in Tokyo organized a one-person exhibition of his work. In 1995 he was included in the opening exhibition of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo in 1995.
His work is currently on view in New York as part of the exhibition "Off-Site," organized by The Institute of Contemporary Art (P.S. 1).