The Brooklyn Web Jam

Notes by collaborators on an ambient event from the Spring of 1993

Compiled by Ebon Fisher

Meeting Circle

Meeting Circle/Participants

Dendrites cavorting with terminal branches under the Schwann sheaths -an Organismic event! Propitious of replication.

--Jonathan Fineberg

For 12 hours, more than 2,000 people pushed into an abandoned mustard factory to see the work of 120 artists, featuring everything from exploding watermelons to performers rapelling down silos. "The fine arts are dead," [one of the organizers] explains, "and we're taking advantage of decentralized media to create a new cultural forum."

--Melissa Rossi, Newsweek, July 26, 1993

Must I Org? Yes, I Orged! I Orged! I was devastated! ...really the most thoroughgoing environmental event in 'burg history. It was integrated, witty, cool, and I fell asleep in a tangle of lovely bodies in 'The Womb', my faith in empirical, exterior theater restored.

--Medea de Vyse, Waterfront Week, spring, 1993

...The energy of the show was huge, unique, on the edge of containment, and yet full of good spirit, rare spirit. And it had shape, crisp sensations of expectation, happening, and climax, and afterward a kind of post-organismic cigarette was lit and for me it's still smoking...

--David Brody

The linear quality of the written word
cannot describe the experience
of being there within
the ORGANISM, undulating.

--Judy Thomas