___________________________________ artnetweb & INTELLIGENT AGENT A Monthly Newsletter June 8, 1998 vol 3.06 ___________________________________
Greetings: SUMMER in
New York City
means streets filled
with Hollywood film
crews telling us
where and when we
can walk in our
own neighborhoods. Alas, the thrill of a glimpse of Courtney Love or Matt Damon in the flesh dims when you have to walk a block out of your way to buy a morning coffee or face yet another recent NYU film grad armed with a walkie-talkie and an attitude. Besides, in this era of The Truman Show, live JeniCams and government surveillance who needs spoiled overpaid movie stars? We're all famous, not for fifteen minutes but all the time. And when Disney finally makes the final payment and owns the rest of the world we'll have the perfect soundstage for our lives. We can't wait. Meanwhile: Ebon Fisher leaves his beloved Brooklyn for the farmlands of Iowa; Fakeshop, Omnizone and Location One combine physical and digital exhibition spaces; and Joan Didion takes a look at the Unibomber Manifesto. Details, below. Best regards, Remo Campopiano president, artnetweb http://artnetweb.com remo@artnetweb.com Christiane Paul editor, INTELLIGENT AGENT http://intelligent-agent.com hyperact@interport.net Robbin Murphy editor, newsletter murph@artnetweb.com ============================================================ ============================================================ 1. artnetweb NEWS 2. INTELLIGENT AGENT NEWS 3. REVIEWS (WEB) 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS & CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION 5. BOOKMARKS ============================================================ ============================================================
1. artnetweb NEWS ============================================================ artnetweb is a collaborative network of people, projects and things dedicated to access and exploration of new technologies for artists. http://artnetweb.com ============================================================ THE VIRTUAL MUSEUM The text of ROBBIN MURPHY's talk for the Virtual Museums on the Internet Symposium sponsored by the ARCH Foundation in Salzburg last month is on-line. Titled "Art and Legal Ambiguity on the Internet" he looks at how some artists are using legal ambiguity in their work on the net: http://artnetweb.com/iola/journal/history/1998/salzburg/index.html Another symposium participant, ALONZO ADDISON of UC Berkeley's Center for Environmental Design Research, is one of the organizers of the "3rd Int'l Workshop on Cities, Design, and the Internet" in Sassuolo, Italy, June 3-12. The workshop documents the heritage/culture/architecture of the city using digital technology. Information about this and past projects are on the Web: http://s06-1.cgi.polimi.it/~nicco/WorkShop ARCH Foundation: http://www.arch.at --------------------------------- Wiggling EBON FISHER writes: Presumably due to my estrangement from the real world and my tendency to live in a virtual one, I've just been asked to become an assistant professor at the University of Iowa (in Iowa City) to direct a new program in "Digital Worlds." and also... A book just came out, "Cybergrace," by Jennifer Cobb (Crown books). In her summation she gave most of a page to the Wigglism Manifesto and quoted me saying this and that about subjective ecology. ...and she gave the URL to Wigglism on artnetweb! Ebon Fisher NERVE CIRCLE alula@interport.net WEBSITE: http://www.interport.net/~alula WIGGLISM: http://artnetweb.com/port/wigglism ORGANISM: http://www.artnetweb.com/organism AlulA/VRML 3D: http://www.vrmill.com/alula/alula.wrl AlulA/Panorama http://studiovr.com/todd/s/alula/ BIONIC CODEX: http://www.echonyc.com/~sandbox/codes/index.html --------------------------------- FAKESHOP PRESENTS: MULTIPLE DWELLING A Performative Installation with Remote Data Hookup Three Saturdays in June 6, 13, 20, 1998 8 pm Duration: 4 hours Location: 90 No. 11th st. Williamsburg Bklyn NY 718.486.7009 An installation project which will exist simultaneously in a real, physically-constructed space and an artificial, digitally-generated one. It is a techno-poetic response to a scene sampled from the movie Coma, in which a room full of bodies, involuntary donors of their own organs, lie suspended in a state of perpetual coma. Remote participants will be invited to co-inhabit the 'virtual' dwelling. A VRML avatar creation program will enable participating users to create a 'blank' to match their specifications (body type and size) and place them in this imagined environment. Biospasm, a website for electronic civil disobedience in response to the issues involved in this piece, can be found at: Web specific entry into Multiple Dwelling can be found at: http://www.fakeshop.com To View through browser: http://www.fakeshop.com/upload/multiple/screengrab.html --------------------------------- CLASSES at the ED-CENTER 426 Broome Street New York, NY, US 10013 http://ed-center.com ONLINE Class: Microsoft FrontPage 98 STOREFRONT Classes: 1) HTML: Web Page Design 2) Introduction to 3d Studio Max For more information visit the ED-CENTER site, or email remo@artnetweb.com
2. INTELLIGENT AGENT NEWS ============================================================ Intelligent Agent is a quarterly print magazine on interactive media in arts and education. The current issue (vol. 2 no. 2) is available in bookstores throughout the US. Selections from the articles featured in the magazine are available at the Intelligent Agent website: http://www.intelligent-agent.com If you're interested in subscribing to the Intelligent Agent print magazine, please check out the information at the end of this newsletter. ============================================================ While working on the next issue of INTELLIGENT AGENT, we still try to make time for keeping track of the developing projects of the magazine's contributors and featured artists. The current issue of Intelligent Agent (2.2) includes an introduction to OMNIZONE, a website project organized by Plexus and focusing on mapping perspectives of digital culture. The OMNIZONE website was introduced at Thundergulch's video wall on May 26 and will finally be launched in mid-June (http://plexus.org/omnizone). Several of the participating artists presented their projects and proved that OMNIZONE is a site to watch out for. Among the works included are "Trash Collector" by Maciej Wisneiwski (who has become an expert in the field of webpage recycling), Sawad Brook's "Monument" and Noah Wardrip-Fruin's take on agent software that helps you grieve with the vanished pages leaving you with nothing but an error message. On June 3, Location One, a not-for-profit organization devoted to the recognition of innovative contemporary artists, presented "Reconnaissance I," a multimedia event combining music, sound, dance, and performance elements with video and robotics, as well as computer and Internet technology. "Reconnaissance I" was the first New York-Tokyo teleconference collaboration presented by Location One. A live Butoh dance performance (accompanied by Elliot Sharp's music) was broadcast over the Internet in a virtual environment set up by Floating Point Unit. The walls of "Studio 601" -- where the event took place -- were illuminated by the virtual Butoh dance environment, projections by The Poool, Jae Sil Byun et al., and scenes from Adrianne Wortzel's multimedia play "Sayonara Diorama" (based on Wortzel's "Globe Theater Archives" published in Intelligent Agent vol. 2 no.1), which premiered at Lehman College, NY, in March. One of Wortzel's robots mingled with the audience and recorded/projected the events all evening. The windows opened by the multiple projections and the "real" windows framing a view of the Hudson river and lower Manhattan, made Studio 601 the ideal space for exchanging views on multimedia art. Location One, which has affiliated spaces in Zurich, Naples, Marseilles and Barcelona, plans to open a permanent exhibition space in New York soon. Christiane Paul 3. REVIEWS (WEB) ============================================================ Featured in vol. 2 no. 2 of INTELLIGENT AGENT "An artists kit for survival" http://www.melig.co.il/questions/ "An artists kit for survival," compiled by Shoshana Cohen, focuses on the constituents determining the survival of the artistically fittest. The kit provides a framework of data relevant to the current situation and survival of the artist. The organizational structure covers basic elements of story-telling--who, what, how, where/when and why--and leads into a network of visual/textual elements and diagrams that offer models for describing the complex interelationship between content, context, media, interaction etc. The decisively analytical approach may not provide for a kit of practical tools but it visualizes the network of complexity any artistic enterprise is embedded in. "Conversation with Angels" http://ampcom.kaapeli.fi Another multi-user Internet project allowing real-time chat between users in a virtual world is "Conversations with Angels" by AMPCOM (Andy Best and Merja Puustinen). "Conversations" uses VRML 2.0 together with Sony's Community Place plugin for Netscape, and visitors can pick or change their avatar to interact with other people. What distinguishes the project from other "chat worlds" is the fact that users encounter robot characters that inhabit the 3D spaces permanently. The robot personalities who are based on real people and experiences are not your average angels and have the potential to put an interesting twist on the conversations. Among the characters are a serial killer, a redneck survivalist, a single mother and a lesbian princess-angels of the "real" virtual world. "Flame War" http://www.artswire.org/~jmalloy/flamewar.html Linking territory and human behavior, Judy Malloy's "Flame War" offers a completely different take on exploring our psyche. As Malloy points out, the movement west and appropriation of territory in 19th century America wasn't exactly characterized by the politeness of human behavior; in the constant struggle for existence, barroom brawls, shootouts, holdups, hangings and massacres were commonplace. No wonder "netiquette" has become such a much-discussed topic in the exploration and appropriation of Internet territory in the late 20th century. "Flame War" makes its contribution to netiquette by providing an outlet for our anger and frustration: visitors to the site are allowed to post their verbal "flames," which will appear on the battleground of the browser window (warning: there may be flames that are so potent that they will burn up on reentry and won't be seen again). Flames are organized according to addressees, such as Uncle Sam, the Boss, or Bill Gates. If the number of flames that certain people receive is an indication of how much virtual territory they hold, the outcome of the war seems to be business as usual: a major amount of flames goes to Bill Gates. "Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July" http://www.aec.at/residence/lastentry/index.html Starting from Virginia Woolf's novel Orlando (written in 1928), "Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July" creates a "virtual profile" of identity in the networked community. The premise is intruiging; Woolf's "Orlando" -- the biography of a figure who travels through time and space, centuries and cultures, switching gender and identities -- now reads like a visionary metaphor of the Internet. The website takes the form of a travel log/diary/narrative montage: visitors are invited to contribute their stories, thus involving Orlando into their own (virtual) background and bringing him/her into contact with others. Users can also go to a page where they can download images of Orlando's latest appearance in order to change and use them in their own episode.The interface organizes episodes in the form of the profile of a head consisting of micro-profiles. The web of episodes, interweaving the realities and fictions of identity, opens up possibilities for an elaborate game with casual encounters and destiny (even if contributions don't necessarily live up to the potential of the project). "l.o.s.t." http://www.ave.ch/echo/lost.html Herve Graumann's "l.o.s.t." sums up the feelings many of us experience while exploring cyber-geography. Visitors to the site encounter a black space and their cursors take the form of a white circle. Moving around the circle, one realizes that it is a kind of flashlight which allows to explore the dark space. With the help of the light, one discovers what could be the scribblings on the wall left by somebody forever lost in cyberspace, endlessly circling -- a tiny data body that has become indistinguishable from the writing on the wall. "unendlich, fast... " http://www.thing.at/thing/shows/ende.html Holger Friese's "unendlich, fast..." ("infinite, almost...") is the ultimate minimalist approach to cybergeography-an effective take on the limitations and limitlessness of the browser window. Visitors to the site encounter nothing but a blue background in their browser and can endlessly scroll down the blue color field. Infinity captured in a window-an aesthetic dream come true. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS & CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION ============================================================ [Call for Participation] ALIFE VI June 26-29, 1998 UCLA, Los Angeles, USA The Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life (Life and Computation: the Boundaries are Changing) will bring together people interested in constructing life-like systems and exploring the boundaries of life/non-life. The University of California, Los Angeles, at the Sunset Village conference center. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: June 15th, 1998 CONTACT: URL: http://alife6.alife.org/ [Call for Questions] CAA COMMITTEE ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The College Art Association Committee on Intellectual Property (CIP) plans to publish a guidebook of questions and answers pertaining to copyright issues of concern to art historians, scholars and artists. The committee is calling for questions to be included in this publication. Questions may concern any aspect of copyright law relevant to the use of the Visual Arts by scholars, teachers and artists, including, but not limited to international law, rights of artists, use of public domain, publishing issues, use of World Wide Web, distance education, multi-media, fair use and obtaining rights and permissions. CONTACT: Robert Baron, chair CAA Committee on Intellectual Property P.O. Box 93 Larchmont, NY 10538 E-MAIL: rabaron@pipeline.com (If responding by e-mail, kindly place the initials CIPQA in the subject line of your message.) [Call for Papers and Panelists] CREATIVITY AND CONSUMPTION New Media Arts in Advanced Technology Culture March 29-31, 1999 University of Luton, UK Creativity and Consumption will explore theoretical issues around the 'content' and 'use' of digital technology in order to promote a critical understanding of new media products and the context in which they circulate. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: September 30, 1998 CONTACT: E-MAIL: CREATIVITY@luton.ac.uk [Call for Papers] GW '99 - THE 3rd GESTURE WORKSHOP March 17-19, 1999 Gif-sur-Yvette, France The Gesture Workshop is an interdisciplinary event for those researching gesture-based communication and who want to meet and exchange ideas across disciplines. DEADLINES: September 12, 1998: Full paper submissions December 11, 1998: Poster and Demo submissions CONTACT: Gesture Workshop '99 LIMSI - CNRS BP133 F-91403 ORSAY cedex FRANCE E-MAIL:gw99@limsi.fr URL: http://www.limsi.fr/GW99/ [Call for Artists] INDUSTRIEPROJEKT Art in the Industrial Zone May/June, 1999 Kunstpflug e.V. Baitz, Germany We plan to concentrate on a special regional theme: the new light-industry factory zones that have established themselves in this area just outside the Berlin suburbs. An exhibition will be organized on the factory grounds including the following artworks: installation, performance, machines, videos, sound-art, and light projections. DEADLINE: End of June, 1998 CONTACT: KUNSTPFLUG e.V. Bahnhofstr. 47 14806 Baitz, Germany E-MAIL: maubrey@berlin.snafu.de [Call for Participation] L'IMMAGINE LEGGERA PALERMO INTERNATIONAL VIDEOART, FILM AND MEDIA FESTIVAL October 2-10, 1998 Palermo, Italy International Videoart Competition (the only one in Italy) and International Competition for artist's CD-Roms DEADLINE: July 31, 1998 CONTACT: URL: http://www.imprese.com/immagineleggera E-MAIL: 00253aaa@mbox.infcom.it [Call for Submissions] MUTE MAGAZINE NET POLITICS ISSUE August, 1998 In collaboration with Revolting, Manchester's temporary media lab, Mute is publishing a special issue on NET POLITICS. Coinciding with the themes of ISEA98 - Revolution/The Terror - it will place contemporary debates on the politics of information networks under the microscope. DEADLINE: June 18, 1998 CONTACT: E-MAIL: mute@metamute.com URL: http://www.yourserver.co.uk/revolting [Call for Papers] MARGINS OF GLOBAL CULTURE POLYGRAPH 11 Duke University This issue seeks to bring different fields of research such as subaltern studies, subcultural theory, the political economy of globalization, and cultural anthropology into a dialogue to develop new perspectives on the sorts of cultural practices affected and enabled by globalization, as well as to potentially develop new "working hybrids" among the methodologies of these different fields of study. DEADLINE: August 1, 1998. CONTACT: E-MAIL: polygraph@duke.edu URL: http://www.duke.edu/literature/pgf.html [Call for Entries] HIGH SPEED ART Secession Gallery October 15, 1998 San Francisco, California This exhibit will not take place in a gallery; instead it will take place "in the streets." We hope to create an exhibit that addresses the increasing impact of speed (and the tools of speed) in our lives. The art can be static or mobile, and could relate to or include cars, skateboards, bicycles, trains, planes, computers, and telephones. Artists working in all media are encouraged to apply. Venues for projects may include, but are not limited to: rooftops, bus advertising space, construction barriers, and storefronts. Artists could use signage of any kind, radio broadcasts, sound installations, performances, and interventions. Artists will receive stipends. If you are interested in being considered for this exhibit, please send: 1) documentation of recent work 2) A one-page letter describing your interest in the show and your general approach toward the project (not a specific proposal). Send to: Secession Gallery Leona Terrace Research Center 20 Leona Terrace San Francisco, CA 94115 DEADLINES: June 23 - Letter of interest and documentation of work July 7 - Finalists selected August 3 - Deadline for final proposal CONTACT: URL: http://www.sirius.com/~ps313 5. BOOKMARKS ============================================================ http://artnetweb.com/resource/new.html The Cathedral and the Bazaar http://sagan.earthspace.net/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/ Eric Raymond's paper about Linux that influenced Netscape's decision to release Communicator 5.0 as source code. The Next Left http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/bookauth/ba980423.htm Scott Stossel talks with philosopher Richard Rorty about the future of political liberalism in the U.S. Varieties of Madness http://www.nybooks.com/nyrev/WWWfeatdisplay.cgi?1998042317R Joan Didion reviews the Unibomber Manifesto. Gertrude Stein Salon http://magzine.gurl.com/where/regulars/deadwomen/feb98/salon.html Gert, Alice, Pabs, Paris...need we say more. City of Boiled Beans http://www.khosla.com/cityboiledbeans/cityboiledbeans.htm Ashok Khosla and Susan Bodenlos discover India while setting up a software development center for Apple Computer. Screen Salvation http://www.feedmag.com/html/dialog/98.05dialog/98.05dialog_master.html A FEED dialog on spirituality and technology with Mitch Kapor, Jennifer Cobb, Erik Davis and Lama Surya Das. SMUG http://smug.com E-zine published by Leslie Harpold from a tiny cupboard in New York's Hell's Kitchen. The Robin Hood Project http://rodent.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/rh/rhhome.stm A database of texts, images, bibliographies, and basic information about the Robin Hood stories and other outlaw tales, sponsored by the University of Rochester. DITHERATI http://www.ditherati.com/ Owen Thomas collects quotations of the Digerati. Universal Currency Converter http://www.xe.net/currency/ Performs interactive foreign exchange rate conversion on the Internet. Umbrella Online http://colophon.com/umbrella Selections from UMBRELLA -- the seminal publication about artists books, mail art and many other things edited and produced by founding editor, Judith A. Hoffberg. If you have suggestions or contributions send them to: murph@artnetweb.com ============================================================ ============================================================ We'd like to thank the following for their generous financial support to the newsletter: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Program in Film and Video Studies http://www.umich.edu/~umfvpgm/ ART CALENDAR The Business Magazine for Visual Artists http://www.artcalendar.com/ WEB MONSTER Web and Mailing List Hosting http://www.webmonster.net PIXELYZE Digital Design http://www.pixelyze.com/users/carmin You, too, can be listed above by giving a $100 contribution to ARTNETWEB, 426 Broome St., NY NY 10013. Make checks payable to Virtual Real Estate, Inc. Thank you. ============================================================ ============================================================ artnetweb & INTELLIGENT AGENT is published monthly by email To subscribe send an empty message to: anw-IA-request@list.webmonster.net with the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject header.To unsubscribe send an empty message to
anw-IA-request@list.webmonster.net with only the word "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject header. Further information contact: anw@interport.net ============================================================ ============================================================
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Hyperactive Corporation
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============================================================artnetweb & INTELLIGENT AGENT is available on the web at:
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