
A Monthly Newsletter
December 1, 1997
vol 2.08

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Greetings: DECEMBER finds us thankful we didn't make it to the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade last week. Several unfortunate attendees found themselves in the hospital after being clobbered by a giant wind-tossed "Cat In The Hat" balloon. We didn't need that. Instead, we stayed home and celebrated our Puritan forebears who would have, no doubt, disapproved of the amount of wine, turkey and cranberry sauce we consumed. But THAT we definitely needed to give us the energy (not to mention spirit) to see all our projects into the new year. ARTNETWEB is pleased to bring you the multimedia collaborative ADRIFT as well as new and expanded classes online and in the storefront. And INTELLIGENT AGENT is about to put the second quarterly issue to bed for distribution in January. Now, did someone say there were turkey sandwiches? Best regards, Remo Campopiano president, artnetweb Christiane Paul editor, INTELLIGENT AGENT Robbin Murphy editor, newsletter ============================================================ ============================================================ 1. artnetweb NEWS 2. INTELLIGENT AGENT NEWS 3. REVIEWS (WEB) 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS & CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION 5. BOOKMARKS ============================================================ ============================================================ 1. artnetweb NEWS ============================================================ ADRIFT Jesse Gilbert, Helen Thorington, Marek Walczak, others. A streaming networked collaboration between three environments: sound, text, and vrml 3D. Adrift tests the dynamics between environments where artists, users and computers pass information realtime between the different senses. A complex interrelation of wom/man and machine, where a clear distinction between cannot be determined. The focus of the work is on these fluid perceptions and the multiple journeys made possible as a result. The next performance is on Saturday December 6th 1997, 3pm EST. Location 1 FAKESHOP Brooklyn Location 2 ORF kunstradio Vienna Performance url: More information about Adrift: WWW5 is artnetweb's experimental server where we push the boundaries of what is possible in the networked environment of the Internet. It is made possible by Downtown Anywhere and Real Networks --------------------------------- CLASSES at the ONLINE EDUCATION CENTER 426 Broome Street New York, NY, US 10013 Last week we expanded our offerings to include a completely online course in FrontPage 98, Microsoft's leading web-site development application. The course begins each Wednesday and is asynchronous, which means you learn at you own pace, on your own schedule. --------------------------------- The artnetweb ONLINE EDUCATION CENTER offers classes in both the physical space of our storefront in New York and on the Internet using e-mail lists, tutorials and the Web. For full course descriptions and syllabi visit our website: If you have questions please contact Remo Campopiano: phone: 212-925-1885 or 508-336-0855 e-mail: ONLINE Classes: 1) VRML: Building 3d Worlds on the Web; 2) Web Design using Microsoft FrontPage; STOREFRONT Classes: 1) HTML: Web Page Design - begins December 24th; 2) Introduction to 3d Studio Max - begins every Saturday; 3) Photoshop for the Internet - begins every Tuesday. --------------------------------- <i> i o l a </i> Persnickety guide to texts and projects online: --------------------------------- ART DIRT A RealAudio and Video WebCast from Pseudo Online Network G.H. Hovagimyan, host Live every Tuesday, 5-6 pm EST and any time from the archives RECENT GUESTS: Tue, Nov 25,1997 Mini retrospective Hans Breder streaming video works from 1976 to 1997; Christiane Paul from Intelligent Agent. Tue, Nov 18,1997 Cary Peppermint with Vid-clips from two online streams. Phone hook-up to Edinburgh, Scotland with interview of Simon Yuill member of Elevator. Tue, Nov 4,1997 Mark Amerika from AltX and Grammatron, Danny Hobart Boy Wonder and Wolfgang Staehle from Thing Communications. Special discussion of the Barbie Wars. 2. INTELLIGENT AGENT NEWS ============================================================ Forthcoming in the Winter issue of Intelligent Agent (January 1998): A review and photo documentation of TIME CAPSULE by Eduardo Kac "Time Capsule" is an "intracorporeal" art work by Eduardo Kac that combines a local event-installation, a site-specific work in which the site itself is both the artist's body and a remote database, and a simultaneous broadcast on TV and the Web. The event took place on November 11 at Casa das Rosas Cultural Center in São Paulo, Brazil, where Kac had a microchip with a programmed identification number subcutaneously inserted into his left leg. The scanning of the implant generates a low energy radio signal (125 KHz) that energizes the microchip to transmit its unique and inalterable numerical code, which is shown on the scanner's 16-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Kac placed his leg into a scanning apparatus, and his ankle was then webscanned from Chicago (the scanner's button was pushed via a telerobotic finger). Kac subsequently registered himself in a Web-based animal identification database, originally designed for the recovery of lost animals. The event was shown live on national Brazilian television and on the Web. The exhibition at the gallery where the event took place consists of seven sepia-toned photographs echoing personal recollections; a hospital bedstead; a computer wired to the Net and hooked up to the telerobotic finger, which was left pressing the scanner (the scanner's LCD display still shows the number retrieved from the artist's ankle). Also exhibited is a diptych combining an X-ray of Kac's ankle with an enlargement of the identification and recovery database interface. (For additional info, see: Kac's radical approach to the creation and presentation of a site-specific work raises a variety of important questions that range from the status of memory in digital culture to the ethical dilemmas we are facing in the age of bioengineering and tracking technology. By now we are used to thinking of objects as containers of memory--what are the ethical implications of turning the human body into a host for artificial memory? The perception of computers as extensions of the human mind raises the question in how far the human body has already become an extension of the machine. In a clash of the tangible and the virtual, "Time Capsule" both frees the body from the machine and at the same time makes it permeable to the Internet. Also forthcoming in the Winter issue of Intelligent Agent: --An interview with Jodi by Tilman Baumgaertel --Jim Gasperini reviews John Maeda's "Flying Letters," "12 o'clocks" and "Reactive Squares" Intelligent Agent magazine is published quarterly. Subscription information for the print version may be found at the end of this newsletter. The Intelligent Agent website continues to be a monthly e-zine featuring reviews, time-based materials, and the FYI section. 3. REVIEWS (WEB) ============================================================ Featured in the fall issue of INTELLIGENT AGENT. THE NOAM CHOMSKY ARCHIVE "The Noam Chomsky Archive" is brought to you by New World Media, a service inspired by the works of Noam Chomsky and dedicated to building a digital infrastructure for global social information sharing. The online archive includes a large selection of Chomsky's articles and interviews (some of them available in RealAudio) as well as excerpts from his books. Also available at the site is the companion book to the award-winning film "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media;" users can scroll through the script and listen to RealAudio files (so far, sections I and II are complete). TECHNOSPHERE Designing artificial life on digital networks has been the (virtual) pet project of quite a few Web developers. "TechnoSphere" allows users to design virtual life-forms by choosing from component body parts and a range of behavioral characteristics. Designed and tagged with the creator's e-mail address, the cyber beast is put into a fractal 3D world where it interacts with other artificial life-forms. The creature's maker can get a 2D snapshot of its appearance and will be informed about key evolutionary developments by e-mail. "TechnoSphere" can support many thousands of competing life-forms, and separate "TechnoSpheres" can be linked together over networks to form super environments. TELA "TELA"--The Electronically Linked Academy-- is the website of a consortium of more than twenty organizations that publish books, journals, and electronic magazines in the areas of religion, classics, and Mediterranean archaeology. Visitors will find publishers' catalogs, online books, journals, and reviews. Most notable is the "Scholars Corner," which includes a vast array of information: the topics range from Ancient Near East, Archaeology, and Computer Tools to Educational Institutions, Languages and Literature, as well as Museums. DIGITAL MEDIA The "Digital Media" pages of the University of Iowa are an excellent directory covering topics ranging from hypertext, cybernetics, and cyborgs to virtual realities and digital communities. Visitors will find information on multimedia production, networks and industry, as well as critical theory and links to zines and related resources. The directory may be selective, but it is a good place to start a critical exploration of digital media. THE HUMAN RIGHTS LIBRARY The University of Minnesota Human Rights Center has developed a vast online library of materials on human rights. The searchable archive includes U.N. documents, U.S. human rights documents, regional materials--e.g., from the African Human Rights Resource Center, the European and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights-- materials on asylum and refugee issues, bibliographies as well as a section on human rights education. (Not all of the documents are available in English.) 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS & CALLS FOR PARTICIPATION ============================================================ [Call for Participation] LIGHTFORMS'98 New York Hall of Science April 16 - May 31, 1998. New bi-annual event for the field of lightart with $5,000 prizes to each of three winners. A co-production of Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) and The New York Hall of Science. Proposal deadline: Jan. 10, 1998 Complete details are on the ASCI web site: web: email: [Call for Participation] ISEA 98 Liverpool and Manchester, UK September 2-7, 1998 International forum for debate, discussion, exchange, critique and celebration of electronic art. One conference with two centres: Liverpool will be staging THE REVOLUTION to explore, codify, assert and celebrate a number of ideas associated with the theme. Manchester will stage THE TERROR in which these ideas, concerns and assertions will be dissected, deconstructed and re-ordered. The event will conclude with an Electronic Global Summit. Proposal deadline: January 15, 1998 Contact: isea98: Revolution John Brady... e-mail: isea98: The Terror Graham Parker... e-mail: web: [Call for Participation] SIGGRAPH 98 Chicago, Illinois, US July 1998 The exhibition will focus on rematerializations of digital or digitized experiences and will include: 2D prints, drawings, photographs, mixed media and artists' books, 3D sculpture and kinetics, Interactive Installations, ARTSITE Web Projects, Live Telecommunication Events, and Performance Events. Deadline for submissions: January 14, 1998. Contact: Joan Truckenbrod, SIGGRAPH 98 Art Gallery Chair email: web: [Call for Participation] LOVEBYTES DIGITAL ARTS FESTIVAL Sheffield Media and Exhibition Centre Sheffield, UK 23-25 April, 1998 An exhibition of CD ROM, audio work, internet art and screenings of films and videos which make explicit use of digital technology. Deadline for proposals: January 14, 1998 Guidelines and application form: e-mail: web: [Call for Participation] FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL WORLDS Paris, France July 1-3, 1998 VW'98 hopes to EXTEND THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY by encouraging contributions from people involved in technical, PHILOSOPHICAL and ART WORKS related to the conception, design or applications of virtual worlds. Information: web: Mail your ARTISTIC submission to Olga Kisseleva email: [Call for Participation] CIVR '98 Nanjing, China April 1998 '98 China International Computer Conference & Exhibition on Virtual Reality (CIVR'98) will include academic reports, the technique exchange, the products show and so on. It is the first time that the conference & exhibition on this subject is held in China. Contact: Tony Xu Head of VR Technology committee in Nanjing China VR Committee email: npccc@PUBLIC1.PTT.JS.CN [Call for Participation] CONVERGENCE XI Providence, Rhode Island, US June 12 - 21, 1998 Proposals sought for temporary large-scale sculpture installations for the downtown area. Funding of up to $1900 available for fabrication, transportation or stipend to the artist. Proposal deadline: January 15, 1998 Contact: Bob Rizzo, Festival Director Phone: (401)785-9450 email: web: 5. BOOKMARKS ============================================================ Web Stalker New software for reading and manipulating information on the Web. From I/O/D. T:vc "Thresholds: viewing culture" journal from University of California at Santa Barbara. Carl Steadman remembers Diana in his own special way. Art Nexus Latin American art magazine. Ctrl/Alt/Del War html-ing, guerrilla javascript-ing and beyond from PEET. Bob's Art The Robert J. Shiffler Foundation art collection in Greenville, Ohio. The Undercover Girl Become a spy on the TUGWEB. Hans Brinker Budget Hotel You spent a year there one night long ago. Riverbed Software developed with choreographer Merce Cunningham to make original dance works for the computer screen. The Cut-Up Machine Automated version of William S. Burroughs' writing technique. Head-Space Multi-author site with content ranging from indie news to rotating bananas. Abstract-Art Repository of paintings and sculpture. If you have suggestions or contributions send them to: ============================================================ ============================================================ We'd like to thank the following for their generous financial support to the newsletter: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Program in Film and Video Studies ART CALENDAR The Business Magazine for Visual Artists WEB MONSTER Web and Mailing List Hosting PIXELYZE Digital Design You, too, can be listed above by giving a $100 contribution to ARTNETWEB, 426 Broome St., NY NY 10013. Make checks payable to Virtual Real Estate, Inc. Thank you. ============================================================ ============================================================ artnetweb & INTELLIGENT AGENT is published monthly by email To subscribe send an empty message to: with the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject header.

To unsubscribe send an empty message to with only the word "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject header. Further information contact: ============================================================ ============================================================ artnetweb 426 Broome Street New York, NY 10013 212-925-1885 INTELLIGENT AGENT Hyperactive Corporation P.O. Box 661 New York, NY 10012 (+1) 212-462-9033 To subscribe to the INTELLIGENT AGENT magazine: SINGLE ISSUE: $ 5.00 Domestic: $19.00 one year (4 issues) -- $ 36.50 two years (8 issues) Foreign (airmail): $34.00 one year, $ 46.50 two years. To subscribe phone: (+1) 212-462-9033 -- 1-888-64AGENT e-mail: or send a check to Hyperactive Corporation P.O. Box 661 New York, NY 10012 ============================================================ ============================================================ artnetweb & INTELLIGENT AGENT is available on the web at: copyright (c) 1997 artnetweb and INTELLIGENT AGENT

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