Overhead, its delegated lookout, its scout, its sidekick,
its higher eye, scans the horizon in 360-degree swoops,
showering the intrepid sleuth with even more possibilities
for disclosure.
The Ships' Detective absorbs, sorts and
democratizes information, in order to discern which
bits are truly clues.
The rest, the residue that, in its weathered opinion,
offers no disclosure, it casts overboard in consideration
of the limitations of the ship's cargo holds.
This discretionary business is not an easy task.
At times, when The Ship's Detective is
overwhelmed by the abundance of information in the
ecosystem, it cocks its ear to catch the strains of the
siren's solid refrain, the atonal dirge, the chorus handed
down through history for detectives seeking to discern
that one clue masked in the deluge, which will change