Port Logo PORT: Navigating Digital Culture
Organized by a r t n e t w e b
MIT List Visual Arts Center
January 25 through March 29, 1997

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TITLE: Conductor #1: Getting In Touch With Chicken
BY: Cary Peppermint
TIME: Saturday, 2 - 4 pm EST
Starts February 22 - ends March 15
SOFTWARE: CU-SeeMe, Web Browser with Shockwave and RealAudio plug-ins
ACCESS: CU-SeeMe Reflector:
RealAudio Stream: http://www.dreamscape.com/capepper/chick/audio.html
Web Site: http://www.dreamscape.com/capepper/chick/truth.html
CONTACT: capepper@mailbox.syr.edu
URL: www.dreamscape.com/capepper/origin.html

"Conductor #1: Getting In Touch With Chicken" is an interactive performance and installation in which I will be placed inside of a box and thereafter assume the role of *conductor*. Within this box I will perform with hopes of attaining energy which may allow effective communication with a chicken called *resistor*, placed into a second box approximately 10 meters away. The *resistor * will be privy to a telephone with a direct line from and to the *conductor* , an answering machine, and a video/CU-SEEME connection. As *conductor* I will be assisted by my own telephone with direct line from and to the *resistor*, a video camera, and a CU-SEEME connection. Participants called *batteries* both local and remote, will utilize me as *medium* and/or *exorcist* for a ritual involving perceptual boundaries, and possible transcendence of these boundaries. World wide participants including those at PORT MIT will participate via a total of 4 possible screens of interaction involving CU-SEEME, Real Audio, and a World Wide Web Site. Integral components of this ritual will be participants at PORT and other remote guests via CU-SEEME connections. All participants will actively assume the role of *batteries* . These groups are encouraged to communicate via CU-SEEME CHAT. *Batteries* may dine upon prescribed meals of fried chicken and/or scrambled eggs with hopes that their internalization of chicken may then twist their tongues into energized and energizing forms that could contribute to my optimum performance as *conductor* thus completion of the circuit called *chicken*. Remote participants and viewers will be able to observe all levels of interaction simultaneously via CU-SEEME windows; the room view window called *circuit* , the *conductor* window, the *resistor* window and all *battery* windows. Local participants and viewers may navigate within the physical space of the *circuit* between the boxes of *conductor* and *resistor*. and may engage two large screens positioned at opposite ends of the physical space which detail online interactions. There will be a total of four performances of "Conductor #1" which will commence once each week for four weeks in conjunction with PORT. During this time period the physical exhibition site and the "Conductor #1" web site will remain intact and accessible via internet to serve as a testament or *holy space* for both local and remote voyagers seeking evidence of physical transcendence.

CARY PEPPERMINT Cary Peppermint is a varied media artist and adjunct faculty at Syracuse University where he is completing his MFA in Art Media Studies. His recent works include the CD-ROM "With All This Who Could Go Home?" and Scotland's first purely on-line performance "The Mashed Potato Supper". Peppermint's latest project involves a comprehensive hybrid CD-ROM/audio work entitled "Hard Candy", to be released in late 1997.

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