Art Dirt Im-Port is a communication hybrid. Using simple Internet systems such as CU-SeeMe, RealAudio, Chat windows and good old phone calls artists are invited to send/perform/interface with Art Dirt. The concept is to mix a mass media format (talk show) with two-way interactive art performances. The world is in the ecstasy of communication.
The MIT List Center presentation will be:
Screen 1: Art Dirt logo and RealAudio player
Screen 2: One or more CuSeeMe windows
Screen 3: Pseudo Chat text screen
Screen 4: Local video of PORT or full-screen view of remote interview.
If there are guests at MIT they will phone in from the gallery and use the CUSeeMe cameras.
Continuous Performance/ Interface each week:
Robert Galinsky- word artist
Rabinal Achi/ZapatistaPortAcion by:
Ricardo Dominguez & Ron Rocco
BUYING TIME: The Nostalgia-Free History Sale by:
M. River and T. Whid Art Associates
THE FRENCH CONNECTION/Boston,Aix-en-Provence,NY interface with:
Emmanuelle Baron,Guillaume Stagnaro, Pascal Silondi, Guillaume
Blanchard,Celine Bellanger,Francoise Parra,Yann Goulm,Djamel
Achour,Renaud Courvoisier,Stephen Lassis,Eddy Godeberge,Christiane
Soucaret,Peter Sinclair, COSY DISCO, Alexandre Pazmandy,Bougie
Manu,Estelle Vautaret,Cecile Brouard, Elodie Brouillard,François
Lejault, Climax production,Natalie Andrei and “OX”, Julien Hokim “MOKI”
Single event performance interfaces are as follows:
Friday January 24th: COSY DISCO - Peter Sinclair
Tues. January 28th: Rose Stasuk/ MR Petit/ Echonyc Arts Conference
Tues. Feb. 4th: Rose Stasuk/ MR Petit/ Echonyc Arts Conference-US
Feb. 11th: Martha Wilson - US
Tues. Feb. 18th: Melantie Pandilovski- Welcome to Empire- Macedonia
Tues. Feb. 25th: Charlie Chan- Australian Mardi Gras- Australia
Tues. Mar. 4th: To be announced
Tues. Mar. 11th: Intermedia Workshop-Hans Breder-Steven Strait-guests-US
Tues. Mar. 18th: Julia Scher- Intermedia Workshop-US
Tues. Mar. 25th: Arleen Schloss- US