ARRANGEMENTS An interactive sculpture in sound and color.
'Les Sons et les Couleurs' is an international, participatory sculpture involving palettes of sound and color, gesture, and alphabetical graphics. It is a large scale, complex sculpture taking full advantage of distributed computing on the world wide web using ShockWave, Java, or a similarly flexible application.
The project will be realized in three or four distinct ways:
first as an interactive program sent world wide, collecting data in order to build initial templates of sound-color-graphical gestures (compositions/palettes);
second as an interactive web presence, both for collecting information and displaying its contemporary state, allowing people to interact with sound, gesture, and color signatures of his or her own, and those of persons from around the world;
third once realized, the color, name, data, graphical and gesture information will be made available for use for tie-in projects, including an piece of interactive music by David Bartel;
and, as a possible extension,
fourth the project will be realized as a traveling installation to each of the sites where it began in its earliest phase, exhibiting its final interactive state, the final projects it engendered, and its transformation in/from the web.